We want to thank all the members who came to our SLVGS meeting on November 27. We had a great discussion and look forward to getting this group going.

Our officers for 2017 are as follows:

  • President: Genie Weezles
  • Vice President: Ellington Sweeney
  • Treasurer: EmBeemer
  • Secretary: MilesAMeyer

Our draft by-laws have been posted at the Family History Center in Adam ondi Ahman since August 28. We ask that everyone please review them and provide their comments prior to the next meeting on December 11 at 5:30 SLT.

slvgs-logoSLVGS members selected our official logo. There were four logos submitted prior to the vote and all were posted to Facebook prior to the meeting.  As you can see, the logo is very impressive. We also discussed having an official mascot, a slug in pajamas doing research.

We established a monthly meeting schedule with meetings held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 5:30 SLT.

Membership dues were established and will be payable as Lindens (L$), the currency of Second Life. Annual dues will be L$1200 (approximately $5 at the current exchange rate). Instructions for purchasing L$ can be found at https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107.

Follow us online at https://slvirtualgenealogy.org/ and on Facebook at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/GenealogistsInSL/.

We hope to see everyone at the next meeting on December 11.