Were your ancestors involved in the history of spaceflight and exploration? If they were – or even if they weren’t – you won’t want to miss our May 16th meeting!

WHEN: Sunday, 16 May 2021 (note change of day due to Mother’s Day)
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

We’ll be taking a field trip to the International Spaceflight Museum (ISM) at Spaceport Alpha, a volunteer-created and maintained sim dedicated to the history of spaceflight. Learn about rockets and spacecraft from the past, present, and future. Take a tour of the museum grounds in an amphibious vehicle. Visit the planetarium. Ride a rocket into space and explore the planets. There’s so much to do at the ISM!

Rockets display at the International Spaceflight Museum

Across the bridge is Explorer Island, home of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Second Life, which you are also welcome to visit. Several displays about current and upcoming missions are available including Mars Mountain.

A short business meeting will be held prior to the field trip.

All are welcome at our meetings. You do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend, but we’d love it if you’d join!