Join us on Sunday for our monthly meeting featuring guest speaker Laura Hedgecock (a.k.a. Laurel Cunningtwig) who will share the interactive presentation “Witness to History, Then and Now.”
WHEN: Sunday, 9 January 2022
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl
Preserving our witnesses to history is a great way to tell our own stories and share our family history. Laura Hedgecock explains why individual accounts of historical events matter and leads participants through practical brainstorming exercises to get creative juices moving.
A short business meeting will be held prior to the speaker’s presentation.
All are welcome at our meetings. You do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend, but we’d love it if you’d join!
About The Speaker

Laura Hedgecock is an author, storyteller, speaker, and GeneaBlogger, passionate about helping others tell personal, family, and ancestor stories. She serves as secretary of the Genealogical Speakers Guild and Detroit Working Writers and is President of the 3400+ member GeneaBloggers Organization.
Her book, MEMORIES OF ME: A COMPLETE GUIDE TO TELLING AND SHARING THE STORIES OF YOUR LIFE, guides and empowers memory collectors with down-to-earth, practical advice and creative ideas. Her website,, provides practical advice on preserving and sharing memories and family stories.