At our last meeting, in October, the vote passed to hold our meetings every other month, so that they now alternate with the SL Chapter of the APG group. Our next meeting will be this coming Sunday, December 10, at 5:30 pm SecondLife Time (Pacific), at the Just Genealogy Fire Pit

For our December meeting, we hope everyone is able to attend what will be a short, but exciting meeting. Elections for next year’s officers will be held, and we’d love to have you participate in the leadership process, either by running for an office or even just voting on those nominated.  We’d also love to hear your ideas on our next choices for book club/study or any other special discussion groups. Please plan on attending!

Dues for 2018 should be paid by the end of this month as well, and it is easy and quick to do so when you’re in SecondLife. Our Clubhouse now has a sign out front that will accept Linden payments with a simple click! Dues are 1200 Lindens, which is roughly $5, for the entire year.

December 18 at 5:30 p.m., Dee and Sherlock are hosting a Genealogists in SecondLife Christmas Dance, with our fave DJ J
affee Gaffer and his fine collection of Holiday music! They always go all out on the decorations, and I excited to see what all they’ve come up with. Past years have included ice skating and snowball fights! Watch the Facebook page for more information, or IM another genealogy group member when in SecondLife for a teleport to the party.

A SL Christmas Dance


 NGSQ (National Genealogical Society Quarterly) study group will not be meeting in December. Watch for the schedule and topic list for 2018 to be posted soon.

Ellington recently posted this article from December issue of  The Atlantic “The Digital Ruins of A Forgotten Future.” A long read, but well-written. Of course, there are many views on the pros and cons of SecondLife.

As always, everyone is welcome to our meetings; however, only members may vote in elections.  Membership has its privileges 🙂  Our society is a member of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, so our members have access to all of the benefits of FGS membership as well, including discounts! It’s easy to join, and our dues are the lowest of any I know of. See the About section for more information on joining our society.

I look forward to seeing everyone December 10!