Tag: bcg

TONIGHT: Methodology Discussion

Genie's Gazebo

Join us tonight at 6:00 p.m. SLT for our monthly Methodology discussion, hosted by the lovely Carolina Belle!

The March reading is “Analyzing Wills for Useful Clues” by Elizabeth Shown Mills, from OnBoard 1 (May 1995): 16. Read the article for free on the BCG website.

NOTE: We will meet tonight at Genie’s Gazebo at Relatively Curious, which is just up the hill from the Fire Pit. If you land at the Fire Pit, head up the stone path to find the gazebo. 🙂

Methodology Tuesday Reading for October

Methodology Tuesday

I somehow managed to volunteer myself to moderate the October “Methodology Tuesday” discussion! So for this month, I have selected a reading by Thomas W. Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL, titled, “The Genealogical Proof Standard: How Simple Can It Be?” (OnBoard 16, September 2010).

This is a short, fun, easy, read, which discusses how some genealogists believe that “applying the GPS requires gargantuan investments in research, reasoning, and writing,” or that it only applies to problems with no obvious solution. Not so, according to Mr. Jones: the GPS applies to ANY genealogical problem, large or small! 😀

Be sure to join us at the Just Genealogy Fire Pit on Tuesday, October 20th, at 6:00 p.m. SLT, to share your thoughts on this article. Genealogists of all levels are welcome. Contact Ellington Sweeney, by email or in-world, if you have questions.


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