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What’s Your Story? – Post RootsTech Discussion


Did you attend RootsTech? Do you want to know what you missed? Join us to discuss what happened at RootsTech and what we learned.


WHEN: Sunday, 8 March 2020
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

All are welcome – you do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend.

For information about how to join the SLVGS, please visit our Membership Page.

Get Mappy at the February Meeting

If you love the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection, then you won’t want to miss this fascinating field trip in Second Life!

Field Trip to Rumsey Map Islands

After a brief business meeting, we will be taking a FIELD TRIP to see the David Rumsey Map Collection in Second Life.

Hundreds of historical maps have been placed on the Rumsey Map Islands allowing visitors to explore them in ways only possible in virtual worlds

Want to see a preview? Check out this video of David Rumsey’s avatar, Map Darwin, touring the maps (sorry, this video isn’t shareable).


WHEN: Sunday, 9 February 2020
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

All are welcome – you do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend.

For information about how to join the SLVGS, please visit our Membership Page.


What’s New In FamilySearch 2019-2020

Did you know that FamilySearch International, formerly known as the Genealogical Society of Utah, celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2019 and that the FamilySearch website is now 20 years old? It seems like just yesterday (1999) when first opened its website to fanfare and a rush of users and then promptly crashed due to the unexpected stampede of enthusiastic genealogists. During all those years, FamilySearch has been an innovator and leader in the genealogy world, transforming the way we do family history research while providing access to billions of records.

So, what happened in 2019? First of all, the number of registered users for the FamilySearch website grew by over 2 million from 11.8 million in 2018, to 13.9 million in 2019. Those users contributed 72 million new individuals and 262.5 million sources to the Family Tree. In addition to that, the users contributed more than 8.75 million photos, stories, documents, and recordings from their own collections to the Memories in Family Tree. FamilySearch also did its part by adding more than 123 million name-searchable records and another 832.5 million new record images to their collection. All of these sources and records help to build and prove the relationships between people and contribute to “The Story of You”, the theme for RootsTech 2020, through encouraging people to discover who they are by bridging the gap between the past and future.   

Beyond just adding records, FamilySearch also provided some upgrades and improvements to their website. One of these additions was the long awaited ability to edit indexed names for some records. This allowed the users to correct indexing errors as well as errors in original documents by editing the names. Future improvements in editing, expected in 2020, will allow for dates and places to be editable.

There were also some additions to the ways families are presented in the Family Tree. Now, same sex marriages can be added as well as indicating “no marriage” and “no children” events between couples. These will help reduce the number of notifications and research tips users receive.

We are all grateful for the work done by others, whether that be indexers or fellow researchers, to help build our family trees. Now, we are able to express our thanks. When viewing the indexed information for a record you will see a box in the lower left indicating that the record was indexed by a volunteer. You can then click on “Thank the volunteer” and send them a short message. Also, occasionally, you may see a popup which informs you of the top contributors in your family line and provides a way to thank them for their work.

Another new feature is the ability to see how you are related to a contributor. Many times we get messages from other users asking how we are related to the family. Now they can just click on the contributors name and see that connection, if the contributor has their relationship indicator turned on. This can be found in your user profile, just click the box to turn it on. 

Also, new advancements in computer learning are pushing the boundaries of technology. BYU Linking Labs is working on several huge projects. One is the Community Reconstitution Project. This project works to reconstitute communities (groups of people, populations of towns or counties, etc.) by pulling names from record sets. Another is the Census Tree Project. They presented this project at RootsTech 2019. The project links the 188 million people that lived in the US between 1900 and 1940 across the census records. In my opinion, the most amazing project they are working on currently is the Automated Indexing Project. This project provides the technology necessary to automatically index records, including handwritten records. They recently completed indexing the 122 million people in the 1930 US Census and are also working on the 1940 US Census and Ohio death records. Volunteers can help teach the AI computers by using the app located at  They also are testing out a new Geo Hint Record Search as well as a Surname Record Search tool. This application can be found at

These are just a few of the many updates in FamilySearch during 2019 but what can we expect in 2020? Well, we should see improvements in the merging features. Some of us have already seen this improvements as it was tested with random users last fall. There will be new ways for us to manage and share our Memories. We will be able to better track our contributions to the Family Tree, and there will be an increase in our ability to find new records. The Explore Images tool will open up new digitized records within days of the records being collected. 2020 will be another groundbreaking year in family history research at FamilySearch.

To read more details about these improvements visit the following pages:

FamilySearch 2019 Genealogy Highlights

FamilySearch Updates Enhance Your Experience

See How You Are Related to Other Users – FamilySearch Update

What to Expect from FamilySearch in 2020

What’s Coming to FamilySearch in 2020

BYU Linking Labs Projects

BYU RLL Hints App

BYU Record Linking Labs Facebook Page

SLVGS January Meeting: Genealogy Goals, Organization, and FamilySearch

At the Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society’s first meeting of 2020, we will hold a round table discussion.

Topics will include:

  • Setting genealogy goals for 2020
  • Organizing your research
  • New features at FamilySearch

Please come prepared to share your goals and tips for getting organized!

A brief business meeting will be held before the discussion.


WHEN: Sunday, 12 January 2020
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

All are welcome – you do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend.

For information about how to join the SLVGS, please visit our Membership Page.


Join Us for the SLVGS Genealogy Holiday Dance

The Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society invites you to the annual Genealogists in Second Life Holiday Dance hosted by our friends Dee Dee and Sherlock Aedipo.

When: Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm SLT (same as Pacific Time)
Where: Dee & Sherlock’s Christmastown SLurl

A brief business meeting will be held in order to elect officers for the next term.

Our favorite DJ, Jaffee Gaffer, will be spinning the tunes, so hop on a dance ball and dance the night away (for an hour or so). Be sure to enable your media player so you can hear the music.

The dress code is formal or “holiday fancy.”

ALL Second Life genealogists are invited. Please feel free to bring a friend.

You won’t want to miss this fun event! 😀

SLVGS November Meeting to Feature Shannon Combs-Bennett

The Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society’s November meeting will feature popular genealogy speaker Shannon Combs-Bennett.

Her talk is titled “Your Two Family Trees: Genetic and Genealogical.”

Everyone has two family trees, but many do not realize that just because you are genealogically related does not mean you are genetically related. This presentation will cover basic genetic principles for autosomal DNA research and will help to explain how matches are determined by a testing company.

A brief business meeting will be held prior to the presentation.

WHEN: Sunday, 10 November 2019
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

All are welcome – you do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend.

For information about how to join the SLVGS, please visit our Membership Page.

About Shannon Combs-Bennett

Shannon Combs-Bennett

Shannon Combs-Bennett, MSc, QG, is an award-winning author who lectures and writes on a variety of topics from methodology to genetics.

What’s New In FamilySearch

Image may contain: text and outdoor

Join us this Sunday to discover what is new at FamilySearch. Many new functions have been added this year and keeping up with them may help you discover new research opportunities.


A brief business meeting will be held prior to the presentation.

WHEN: Sunday, 14 July 2019
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

Don’t Miss the SLVGS June Meeting Field Trip to Paris

Paris 1900 Second Life - Notre Dame Cathedral

Field Trip to Paris

The June meeting of the Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society will feature a FIELD TRIP!

We will be heading back in time to Paris, France, circa 1900. This will include a visit to the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral. You are also welcome to drive an old car, climb in the old tramway, and take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. Feel free to explore!

If you would like to dress in period costume, you are welcome to do so, but it is not required.

A brief business meeting will be held prior to the field trip.

WHEN: Sunday, 9 June 2019
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl


About Paris 1900

“Return to Paris circa 1900, a time when romance and revolution were in the air and the Moulin Rouge was the hottest ticket in town. Rent a car and stop by some of the city’s greatest landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Le Arc de Triomphe, and the Great Ferris Wheel just as they were at the turn of the century.”

You can read more about Paris 1900 in this blog post. Please note that the SLurl has changed since the post was made, but the photos are still worth a look.

For more information about the Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society, please contact us.


SLVGS April Meeting to Feature Drew Smith

The Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society’s April meeting will feature popular genealogy speaker Drew Smith. His talk is entitled “Before You Test: DNA Basics You Need to Know.”

Avoid wasting time and money by learning how DNA is inherited, which type of DNA test to take, and exactly what you can expect to get as a result.

A brief business meeting will be held prior to the presentation.

WHEN: Sunday, 14 April 2019
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

About Drew Smith

Drew Smith is an Associate Librarian with the USF Tampa Library and is the 2016 winner of the Filby Award for Genealogical Librarianship, presented by the National Genealogical Society. He is the past president of the Florida Genealogical Society of Tampa and has served on the boards of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the Association of Professional Genealogists, and the Florida State Genealogical Society. He is the host of the Genealogy Connection podcast and the co-host of The Genealogy Guys Podcast. Drew is the author of the book Social Networking for Genealogists, is the co-author of the book Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques, and has written extensively for a number of genealogical print and online magazines. His latest book, Organize Your Genealogy: Strategies and Solutions for Every Researcher, was published in 2016 by Family Tree Books.

SLVGS March Meeting to Feature RootsTech Discussion

The Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society will kick off 2019 with an informal discussion of the 2019 RootsTech Conference!

If you attended RootsTech, please come and share your highlights of the conference. If you didn’t attend, come find out what you missed!

A brief business meeting will be held prior to the discussion.

WHEN: Sunday, 10 March 2019
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl

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