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August 2015 Second Life Genealogy Group Newsletter


Greetings, Second Life genealogists and family history enthusiasts!  Please enjoy this monthly newsletter highlighting some useful research sites, and this month’s calendar of scheduled activities and genealogy events in Second Life.  Don’t miss our end-of-summer BBQ & Dance!!

Please contact Genie Weezles either inworld, or at


Those who do not look upon themselves as a link, connecting the past with the future, do not perform their duty to the world.      ~Daniel Webster




  • @leprchaunrabbit – Sir Leprechaunrabbit.  I’m not entirely sure who this is, but he shares some great genealogy information, so worth a follow!

For more information about Genealogy events in Second Life

Or stop by Just Genealogy in SecondLife!


Sunday, August 2
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat in Second Life. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   **For those watching WDYTYA – share your thoughts while you watch!**  Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Monday, August 3
  • 6:00pm –  Meet & Greet (for newbies). Meet at the Firepit at Just Genealogy for very informal meeting focusing on how to navigate and enjoy Second Life.
Tuesday, August 4
  • 6:00pm –  Tech Tuesday.  Relatively Curious Genie Weezles presents a monthly discussion of technology for genealogists, from great websites to explore to the latest gadgets, apps and electronic thingamabobs.  This month’s discussion is on Technology & Oral histories. At the Firepit, in Just Genealogy
There will be no SL Chapter APG Meeting in August
Sunday, August 9
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   **For those watching WDYTYA – share your thoughts while you watch!**  Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Tuesday, August 18
  • 6:00pm – Methodology. Exploring old and new research methodologies with your fellow genealogists gathering around the fire pit in Just Genealogy.  August’s discussion will be hosted by DearMYRTLE, SL’s Clarise Beaumont, and the topic will be updated here soon.
Sunday, August 23
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Thursday, August 27
  • 6:00pm –  NGSQ Study Group. The Second Life NGSQ Study Group focuses on a specific article from the National Genealogical Society Quarterly monthly. Please feel free to attend even if you are a prospective NGSQ member. Co-hosted by Ironhide781 and Ellington Sweeney. This month’s discussion: Laurel T. Baty, “Parentage of Martha Smith of Alabama and Mississippi: Overcoming Inconsistent, Incorrect, and Missing Records,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 101 (June 2013): 85-102.  At the Firepit
Sunday, August 30
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Monday, August 31
  • 6:00pm – End of Summer BBQ and Dance.  Let’s celebrate the end of summer and start of a productive fall with a social get-together in Just Genealogy. We’ll have the barbeques smoking, and the music jumping, so plan to attend and chat about your research successes and dilemmas of the summer.  In Just Genealogy – 

July 26 – Aug 1: This week’s Genealogy events in SecondLife

Sunday, July 26, 6 pm – Family History Chat
“SOS! Speaking of Solutions (or Solving Our Stumpers).” Taxi to the Family History Centre:

Thursday, July 30, 6 pm – NGSQ Study Group
Join Ellington Sweeney and ironhide781 for the monthly NGSQ Study Group chat. This month’s reading is Donn Devine’s “Sorting Relationships among Families with the Same Surname: An Irish-American DNA Study,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 93 (December 2005): 283-293. See also, “Sorting Relationships among Families with the Same Surname: An Irish-American DNA Study,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 95 (September 2007): 196. Taxi to the fire pit in Just Genealogy:

Everyone is invited to these events. New to SL? Haven’t got an avatar? It’s all free. Find out more here:

The 1920s Berlin Project

Recently celebrating its sixth anniversary in SL, The 1920s Berlin Project is an historically accurate, virtual model of 1929 Berlin, Germany. The project is designed to allow visitors from all over the world to explore, experience, and immerse themselves in the daily life of this city during the Weimar Republic. The sim was created, and is mostly managed, by an historical consultant with the avatar name of Jo Yardley.

1920s Berlin

From the 1920s Berlin official web site:

‘Second Life’ gives you the opportunity to travel in time, virtually. Berlin in the 1920s was a very interesting time, politically, culturally and in many other ways. We wanted to try and recreate the atmosphere of this fantastic city in that amazing era. Our ideal was to show an as realistic and authentic as possible experience of visiting this part of history. Most historical sims show a somewhat romanticised, clean and charming view of the past where everyone lives in big houses and walks around in lovely clothes all the time. They offer the past up as they would have liked it to be. We wanted to show our visitors both sides of the coin; the amazing modern houses near Unter Den Linden where modern rich people in the latest fashion live a life of leasure, but also the dirty, narrow streets with tiny apartments where the poor try to survive. The 1920s Berlin Project offers you the chance to explore these two different worlds and even become part of one, or both of them. Spend your evening dancing in the mirror room of the luxerious Hotel Adlon or spend it in a damp basement Tanzlokal where they have lukewarm beer in dirty glasses.

1920s Berlin

Please note that this is a strict role-play sim, requiring all visitors to dress in period clothing and use period-appropriate mannerisms. Failure to comply with the dress code could get you ejected from the sim. Fortunately, the landing point is loaded with freebies, including clothes and hair for women, men, and children. Be sure to stop by the news stand to pick up a 1920s Etiquette Book and other reading material. There is even a mall-style shopping center where you can purchase free and non-free items such as clothing, furniture, and music of the era. Once you are dressed and ready to go, head into the train station (follow the big arrow) for a ride to the main sim.


From The 1920s Berlin Project Dress Code note card (which you can pick up in-world):

Women: In the 1920s dresses and skirts had become much shorter, but they only showed knees for a very short period in time around 1929. For most of the 1920s dresses and skirts covered the knees. This is one of the things we will be keeping an eye on, walking around showing your thighs just was unacceptable back then. Women didn’t show much nudity. Sadly most “flapper dresses” you may find in SL are not at all authentic and much too naked. You may wear those if you’re a chorus girl on stage here, but even they wore proper coats and decent dresses when they walked outside.

Men; Men had it easier, they usually wore a 3 piece suit and almost always a hat or cap outdoors. Gentlemen removed hat or cap at many social occasions such as visiting someone or dancing. Men NEVER had long hair though.

After reading that, I was a bit intimidated about finding the right attire for my visit. I eventually picked up this pretty dress (above) by Volstead for free on the Marketplace. No one said anything to me, nor did I get ejected, so I can only assume that I was dressed appropriately – my knees were covered! For inspiration, check out the German Fashion in the 1920s Flickr group. 🙂

1920s Berlin

In the 1920s Berlin neighborhood, you will find a variety of buildings, including exact replicas of real life buildings, such as the Zum Nußbaum and the Brandenburg Gate (neither of which are in my photos – sorry!). There are also reconstructions of fictional buildings used to show other aspects of life, even if such a building was not really at that location in Berlin in 1929.

1920s Berlin

Below are a few of the sim’s role-play rules (you can pick up a complete list in-world). Remember, the rules are not meant to be restrictive, but rather to enhance the authenticity and realism of your experience.

If you are a human avatar, -OR- if you have a animal avatar, make sure you look realistic and authentic for the theme of our sim. If you are spotted in Berlin without an 1920s outfit, you will be asked to change your clothes or leave.

We will NOT allow Nazis. It goes against the rules of our sim but it is also directly against SL policy. So no Nazi uniforms, logos, gestures, etc.

No other uniforms either please, unless you ask us permission first or if it is a uniform sold here in Berlin, such as the 1920s Navy uniforms. We don’t allow any other uniforms because in our sim most uniforms come with a certain level of responsibility and power, such as the police officers we have here.

Child avatars are welcome, AS LONG AS THEY ARE AUTHENTIC AND REALISTIC for 1920s Berlin.

Animals shouldn’t talk, walk on 2 legs, be half human, etc. And yes… in Berlin people didn’t have wings, pointy ears, claws, vampire teeth, etc, except on stage.

1920s Berlin

The 1920s Berlin Project includes shops, restaurants, a school, a cinema where you can watch real 1920s movies, and a nightclub where you can listen to original 1920s music. Several inhabitants “live” in local apartments, and have virtual jobs in the city. Because 1920s Berlin is one of the few sims in SL that are built to a realistic scale, it received extra interest in 2013 after Oculus Rift users discovered that it was the perfect place to try out their new headsets. You can read about the first visit here.

1920s Berlin

While there are many English-speaking visitors and residents in 1920s Berlin, it is common for residents and visitors to greet each other using German phrases, regardless of their language of preference. Additionally, there are many realistic signs and posters hanging on the city’s walls and in its buildings, some of which you can pick up for free at the landing point.


The main goal of The 1920s Berlin Project is to give visitors the chance to virtually immerse themselves in the past. The experience is entertaining, as well as educational, as the sim is used for classes in all sorts of historical subjects. I found it interesting that the discussion of Nazi politics and WWII is acceptable on the sim, and in fact, “We often have debates about them over a glass of schnapps in the club.” (No, I did not participate in such a discussion.) This topic is not covered up or banned at all – only the uniforms and weapons – and if you look around the sim, you will see traces of this era of history. For more about this topic, please visit this post on The 1920s Berlin Project’s blog.

1920s Berlin

The 1920s Berlin Project is well-known for its arts and entertainment. Nightclubs such as Cabaret Eldorado, based on a real 1920s club for gay people and cross dressers, theaters such as The Odeon Theatre and The Asta Cinema, as well as The Hindenburg Schule, all boast educational activities, films, dancing, lectures, or live entertainment. The most active place on the sim is the nightclub Der Keller, located in a basement in one of the city’s back alleys. At Der Keller, one can dance The Charleston, or have a virtual drink at the bar and chat with others.

1920s Berlin

Since its founding six years ago, The 1920s Berlin Project has been continuously expanding and upgrading. Starting small, it has always managed to pay for its own upkeep, thanks its tenants, supporters, and random donations from visitors (there is a donation kiosk at the landing spot). Rumor has it that founder Jo Yardley has plans for more historically-themed, role-playing sims, including a 1940s London sim.

For more information about The 1920s Berlin Project, check out the following:

Visit The 1920s Berlin Project!

July 19-25: This week’s Genealogy events in SecondLife

Sunday, July 19, 6 pm – Family History Chat
“SOS! Speaking of Solutions (or Solving Our Stumpers)”. At the Family History Centre –

Tuesday, July 21, 6 pm – Methodology
Exploring old and new research methodologies with your fellow genealogists gathering around the fire pit in Just Genealogy. July’s discussion will be hosted by Genie Weezles (Relatively Curious) on the article by Sandra MacLean Clunies, “EVALUATING WEB RESOURCES“, available on the Board for Certification of Genealogists website.  Please read the article in advance, and come prepared for lively and informative discussions.  At the fire pit in Just Genealogy –
Everyone is invited to these events. New to SL? Haven’t got an avatar? It’s all free. Find out more here:


Learn Genealogy Skills! Methodology study group

Each month we will be choosing an article available online regarding genealogy research methodology to discuss together at the fire pit in Just Genealogy.

Next Tuesday, July 21 at 6:00pm SL time (Pacific), we are discussing the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG) “Skillbuilding” article by Sandra MacLean Clunies, Evaluating Web Resources.

The article is available for free on the BCG website. Please read the article in advance of the discussion, and come prepared to share your insights and opinions.

Everyone is welcome to attend!

Exploring the NARA website

Below are the sections and URLs to parts of the US National Archives website that were presented at the Tech Tuesday discussion on July 7, 2015.



Discovering the Civil War:

National Archives Digital Vaults:








presented by Tami Osmer Mize / Genie Weezles in SL  7/7/15

July 5-11: This week’s Genealogy events in SecondLife

Sunday, July 5, 6 pm – Family History Chat
“SOS! Speaking of Solutions (or Solving Our Stumpers)”. At the Family History Centre –

Monday, July 6, 6 pm – Meet & Greet
Meet & Greet – for newbies (to genealogy or to Second Life). Come and ask all your questions!!! At the fire pit in Just Genealogy –

Tuesday, July 7, 6 pm – Tech Tuesday
Presentation on technology topics – websites, devices, hardware. This month: Exploring NARAs online resources. At the fire pit in Just Genealogy –

Thursday, July 9, 6 pm – APG Second Life Chapter meeting (Everyone welcome to attend)
Annette Diane Kapple: Case Study Success! speaking on her research success resulting from a SecondLife genealogy chat. At the fire pit in Just Genealogy –
Everyone is invited to these events. New to SL? Haven’t got an avatar? It’s all free. Find out more here:

SL Places: New World 18th Century Boston Harbour

In honor of this weekend’s Independence Day celebration in the United States, I decided to pay a visit to New World 18th Century Boston Harbour. From the place profile:

Welcome to 18th century Boston Harbour. Where Navy fleets & Privateers gather to battle, tell stories & party at the White Horse Tavern. Furry and Human friendly sims. This is a pro Navy sim! Pirates are not welcomed nor allowed to participate.

18th Century Boston Harbor

As you can see, the town is decorated for the 4th of July. Head down Main Street for shopping and a visit to Faneuil Hall.

18th Century Boston Harbor

Some of the boat owners were already getting into the holiday spirit: this ship has its own fireworks display! There was actually a giant, yellow ducky in the boat slip next to this one, but I derendered it (made it invisible) for the photos. Faneuil Hall is visible at the end of the boardwalk.

18th Century Boston Harbor

There are plenty of quiet and peaceful places to wander. If you like to fish, you can buy a fishing pole and spend some time trying to catch “the big one.” I didn’t actually see anyone catch anything, so I am only guessing that they were fishing for fish. It’s hard to tell sometimes in SL.

18th Century Boston Harbor

New World 18th Century Boston Harbour is not a strict role-play sim, so you are not required to dress in period clothing, adhere to specific mannerisms, or even be “human.” No pirates, though, so don’t show up all pirate-y. The maturity rating for this sim is M for Moderate.

18th Century Boston Harbor

Be careful where you walk – wild turkeys roam the streets. This guy even came right to the camera for his close-up.

18th Century Boston Harbor

Everyone I met during my visit was pleasant and helpful, even the cat avatar who mewed at me. 🙂

18th Century Boston Harbor

Stop by New World 18th Century Boston Harbour for a visit to the past this weekend. You might even see some fireworks!

July 2015 Second Life Genealogy Group Newsletter

JULY  2015

Greetings, Second Life genealogists and family history enthusiasts!  Please enjoy this monthly newsletter highlight some useful research sites, and this month’s calendar of scheduled activities and genealogy events in Second Life.  Please contact Genie Weezles either inworld, or at


I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.      ~Abraham Lincoln


  • @NARA_RecMgmt – The Official Twitter feed of NARA Records Management and the Office of the Chief Records Officer.

For more information about Genealogy events in Second Life

Or stop by Just Genealogy in SecondLife!


Sunday, July 5
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat in Second Life. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Monday, July 6
  • 6:00pm –  Meet & Greet (for newbies). Meet at the Firepit at Just Genealogy for very informal meeting focusing on how to navigate and enjoy Second Life.
Tuesday, July 7
  • 6:00pm –  Tech Tuesday.  Relatively Curious Genie Weezles presents a monthly discussion of technology for genealogists, from great websites to explore to the latest gadgets, apps and electronic thingamabobs.  At the Firepit, in Just Genealogy
Thursday, July 9
  • 5:30pm – Second Life Chapter APG Meeting. The award-winning Second Life Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists Second Life Chapter welcomes all to this monthly meeting, recognizing that only members may vote. Formal presentation topics will vary. This month’s speaker will be Annette Kapple, “Case Study: Success!” on how she broke a research brick wall after attending an SL Genealogy presentation!  Contact in-world Gtownma Deed, Chapter President or Genie Weezles, Chapter Liaison.  At the Just Genealogy Firepit
Sunday, July 12
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Sunday, July 19
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Tuesday, July 21
  • 6:00pm – Methodology. Exploring old and new research methodologies with your fellow genealogists gathering around the fire pit in Just Genealogy.  July’s discussion will be hosted by Genie Weezles (Relatively Curious) on the article by Sandra MacLean Clunies, “EVALUATING WEB RESOURCES“, available on the Board for Certification of Genealogists website, at Please read the article in advance, and come prepared for lively and informative discussions.
Sunday, July 26
  • 6:00pm – Family History Chat. Join other family historians and genealogists of all skill levels for a casual discussion on the front porch of the Family History Centre in Adam ondi Ahman.   Host varies, style is both Q&A and presentation.
Thursday, July 30


  • 9:00pm –  NGSQ Study Group. The Second Life NGSQ Study Group focuses on a specific article from the National Genealogical Society Quarterly monthly. Please feel free to attend even if you are a prospective NGSQ member. Co-hosted by Ironhide781 and Ellington Sweeney.  July’s discussion: Donn Devine, “Sorting Relationships among Families with the Same Surname: An Irish-American DNA Study,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 93 (December 2005): 283-293. See also, “Sorting Relationships among Families with the Same Surname: An Irish-American DNA Study,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 95 (September 2007): 196.

Sunday evenings at the Family History Centre

Sunday evenings at the Family History CentreThis Sunday, June 28, at 6 pm SL (Pacific time) we will be starting up the regular weekly chats on the front porch of the virtual Family History Centre in Second Life (in Adam ondi Ahman). The hosts will vary from week to week, as will the discussion topics.

This is a great time to ask questions, discuss strategies, and share research ideas and stories. It is an especially wonderful opportunity for folks who are interested in beginning their family history journey.

Everyone is welcome, and we hope to see you there.

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