Join us on Sunday for our monthly meeting featuring guest speaker Dawn Carlile who will share the timely presentation, “Preparing for the 1950 Census – What You Should Do Now.”
WHEN: Sunday, 13 February 2022
TIME: 5:30 p.m. SLT (same as Pacific Time)
WHERE: The Fire Pit at Just Genealogy SLurl
The 1950 census will be released on Friday, April 1, 2022. But it won’t be searchable for a while so you will need to find your family by looking at the images one-by-one until you locate them. It isn’t all bad news though. There are things you can start doing now that will make it easy, okay easier, to find your families whether they lived in cities, towns, or rural areas. You will also learn what is and isn’t included in the 1950 census, requirements, and instructions for the enumerators.
A short business meeting will be held prior to the speaker’s presentation.
All are welcome at our meetings. You do not need to be a member of the SLVGS in order to attend, but we’d love it if you’d join!
Image of a 1950 census enumerator assisting a farmer from the National Archives.
About The Speaker

Dawn Carlile is a native Oregonian, having grown up in Eugene and Springfield, OR, and has been involved in genealogy for more than 25 years. She is a professional genealogist, educator, and lecturer. She has received certificates in Research in Military Records and Land and Property Records from the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, Genealogy as a Profession from Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research, Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic Research, Researching Like a Professional, Intermediate Foundations, and Pennsylvania Germans & Research in the Keystone State from Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, Genealogical Speakers Guild, National Genealogical Society, and several local, state, and regional historical and genealogical societies. She is a graduate of Bushnell University with a B.A. degree in management.